

Landing is one of the leading furnished rental providers in the US. They specialize in mid-term rentals located throughout thousands of Class-A properties around the country.


Winter typically sees a dip in occupancy for Landing. As a way to combat this annual downturn, we helped Landing validate a new product offering called Standby. They did not want to invest the engineering resources to build product infrastructure right away, so we built systems to sell and generate demand. Once there was volume, we built automated systems to keep the department running until their engineering team could build a long-term solution.


We acquired leads lists by scraping various platforms and routing organic traffic to a form. Once we had a long list, we built an outreach system using Keyboard Maestro, OpenPhone, and Google Sheets. This blasted hundreds of text messages out to leads for the sales team to close the deal. Each day, Landing needed to send notices to Standby members that had been “bumped.” We created a system where a Keyboard Maestro script would send out daily notices via OpenPhone.


This collection of systems enabled Landing to generate over $1M in revenue in 6 months. Due to these automations, headcount for the Standby team could be kept lean at 3 people to focus on growth. This was one of the highest margin products at Landing, and it was all supported by low-code tooling.

Key wins

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