

Ozone Media Group is a marketing agency based out of Nashville that serves the area’s premier entertainment businesses. They faced growing pains with a rapidly growing client base, and contacted Azuli Studios for help in revamping their CRM and automating their lead nurturing protocols.


Prior to working together, Ozone had a multi-step sales process that included robust research and analysis for each deal proposal. They were originally storing and tracking this process through a collection of Google Sheets. It took them over 20 working hours for each proposal creation.


We built a CRM in Airtable that streamlined the collection of notes and research. Included in the CRM are automated tasks that get assigned to team members, which has helped delegate the workload effectively. After the Ozone team works through their analysis tasks, they trigger a status that generates a new, fully custom proposal based on their collected information. We used Make.com and OpenAI to allow Ozone leadership to make quick adjustments as their needs change over time— all without a line of code.


The new CRM and proposal generation system has reduced time spent on this project by over 90%. It now takes an Ozone sales agent about 2 hours to complete their tasks and generate a proposal. This is a clear win for doing more with less. Ozone’s sales agents can focus on their high leverage work, letting automation do the heavy lifting.

Key wins